
definition of emotionality

The emotionality is that human capacity to produce emotion, although also to the sensitivity that occurs to emotions We call it emotionality.

That is, when an individual presents a recurring and spontaneous inclination towards emotions, starts to cry when an event is sad or is extremely happy when something good happens to him or someone dear to him, it will be precisely because he has this ability to flower of skin.

Human capacity to generate emotion and natural sensitivity to emotions

Meanwhile, the emotion is the alteration in mood, intense, temporary, pleasant or painful, which sometimes usually appears accompanied by a somatic manifestation.

What is emotion and its determining factors

Emotion will always be the response of our body to some external stimulus, such as relationships with other people, things or events that happen to us or to our environment, all this will trigger an emotional response on our part.

Now, we cannot ignore that the personality and character of the people, and the culture to which they belong, were raised and developed, and for instance influenced them, will have a direct and notable impact on the emotions, on the emotionality that someone commonly expressed.

So someone who is angry will express a strong emotion in the face of bad issues that happen.

And people who belong to cultures that are characterized by limiting the expression of emotions will inevitably generate that those who develop in them have a limitation in this sense.

Emotions are psychophysiological phenomena that indicate effective modes of adaptation with respect to different changes in environmental demands.

On a strictly psychological level, emotion will alter attention and raise the rank of certain behaviors in the hierarchy of responses of the individual in question.

And as for the physiological, emotions provoke responses in the different systems of the body, including facial expressions, voice, muscles and the endocrine system.

Then, an expressive component will intervene in emotion that will lead to motor behaviors, facial gestures and verbal expressions; each state of mind corresponds to a behavioral manifestation.

The physical manifestation of emotion

The facial expression will give us a clear idea of ​​the quality and intensity of the lived emotional experience. When an emotion of any kind, pleasant or unpleasant, is experienced, neurotransmitters send electrical stimuli from the central nervous system to the facial muscles, giving way to stereotyped responses, which have a very important communicative value among humans.

For example, if we feel joy, immediately there will be an oblique withdrawal of the corners of the lips and the elevation of the cheeks, on the other hand, if what invades us is anger, our brow will be furrowed, the eyebrows will descend, they will narrow lips and teeth clenched.

And also emotions will move us to act, or failing that, to withdraw some actions. So when we feel joy, we will have much more desire to do activities, while sadness will imply a paralysis of movements.

It should be noted that depending on the personal situation in which someone is, the emotion may be exacerbated, or not generate the effect that it would normally produce in the individual, that is, the moments that someone goes through in their life can condition, limit or increase that inclination towards emotionality that you have naturally.

Emotion and feeling, a society

On the other hand, emotion and feeling are closely associated.

The emotion is more intense and the feelings last longer ...

Meanwhile, and beyond this that we mentioned about the intensity and duration in which they differ, in what feeling and emotion do coincide is that if one is positive the other will also be and vice versa.

Among the most positive and pleasant emotions we must mention happiness, one of the most relevant and to which all human beings aspire.

Happiness is manifested in receiving good news, in achieving a goal, in seeing the joy of a loved one, among others.

And from the sidewalk in front we find ourselves unhappy that will produce an expression of displeasure and sadness.

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