
explanation definition

The word Explanation It is widely used in our language, while we usually use it to designate various issues ...

The exposition of a subject, discipline, doctrine, event, through the use of simple and not very complex words, to precisely make it easier to understand, is called precisely explanation. Without the teacher's explanation we will not be able to understand this topic of the new unit.

We also use the term to designate that which clarifies or solves something. After his explanation we understood better why he got so bad at the party.

And finally the word explanation is used a lot as synonym of justification. He justified his behavior after a lengthy explanation.

Constantly, and from all spheres and levels, human beings are pouring out explanations and also receiving explanations, for example, it is a hyper habitual action and that always both its motivation and objective is to make something, an issue, be understood, made clear , in order to understand its meaning, among others.

Thus, an authority will give explanations about a public event that affects a group of people, a doctor will explain to his patient the treatment he must follow to cure his condition, a teacher will explain a topic to his students, a parent will explain to your son who cannot go out because he is still very young, a boss will explain to his employee the work he has to do, among so many things.

It should be noted that through an explanation, a knowledge or meaning will always be transmitted, which is the one that will facilitate understanding and make the subject object of explanation more intelligible. The explanation contains the what, the how, the for, the why of a matter and, in addition to being logical and coherent, it must have an accessible language that can be understood by those recipients of the same. In other words, if the explanation is aimed at a group of children, it must contain a language that they understand.

It is also important to mention that the explanation is possible thanks to language.

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