
definition of momentum

The word momentum It is a term that we use frequently in our language to refer to two questions.

On the one hand, to account for that movement characterized by its strength, acceleration and violence. He reached the final stretch running with a lot of momentum.

And on the other hand, when a person performs some action, activity or task with a lot of energy and efficiency, it will be spoken in terms of momentum. She threw her first son's birthday party with great impetus. He won the tournament putting all his momentum.

Regarding the synonyms that this word presents, we find a great variety, although that of strength , without a doubt, it is the word that we use the most in its place.

Strength is a term that has a variety of uses in our language, which depend on the context in which the word is mentioned.

Thus, then, when an individual is vigorous and is able to support several kilograms of weight with his body, it is said that he displays significant strength.

But it is also common for us to say that this or that presents great strength when they are capable of acting at the behest of extremely adverse conditions and contrary to normal and that as such they imply making a significant amount of energy available..

And at the behest of the physical, the force is a plausible magnitude to measure the intensity reached by the exchange of linear motion between two particles; it is capable of modifying both the amount of movement and the shape of the bodies involved. At International System of Measurements appears measured in newtons or N.

Meanwhile, the terms that directly oppose the concept of momentum are those of Calm down, which refers to a state, environment, in which it commands tranquility and peace; and on the other hand that of discouragement, a term that allows us to express the decline in mood, strength or desire to perform any action or activity, which a person shows.

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