
definition of firefighter

A firefighter is a person who is properly trained to extinguish fires and also to assist victims in any other type of disaster such as earthquakes, floods, among others..

The existence of firefighters is a really important issue in all communities in the world since it is very common for accidents or human negligence to cause fires. For instance, the states must promote this activity and also provide them with the most suitable conditions possible so that they can successfully carry out this important and heroic task.

At present, firefighters mobilize in specially equipped trucks to carry out their work and travel in them from the fire station to the scene of the accident. In addition, these trucks have and carry tools, such as hoses, that firefighters use to put out the fire and other elements that help them solve problems. The particularities that distinguish these vehicles are their vibrant red color and the disposition of a siren that sounds constantly when they are heading to attend an emergency.

They also make use of hydraulic pumps to control and eradicate fires, since they are connected to wells, rivers, or any other water reservoir to supply themselves in large quantities of it.

It should be noted that firefighters are organized in bodies that belong to the public administration and can be volunteers, that is, they do not charge a penny for their work and do so exclusively for the purpose of serving the community in which they reside, or failing that. they can receive a salary for their work.

On the other hand, there are also private firefighters who carry out their work in a private company or factory.

Throughout the world, citizens have a simple, low-digit telephone number to communicate with the fire station and thus be able to inform them of a fire that needs their help.

The first Roman emperor, Augustus, was the one who organized the first fire department in history.

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