
definition of latino

The concept of Latin It is a very present term in our language and that today we use a lot to designate those individuals who have a Latin American origin, that is, they were born in a country belonging to Latin America or Latin America, among others: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay, Venezuela, Cuba, Paraguay, Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, among others. One of the basic and most recognizable characteristics of Latinos is that they speak the Spanish language.

It should be noted that countries such as the USA, which is part of the American continent but not Latin America and that has an important Latino community living in some of its states, such is the case of Florida, the concept of Latin is used to generically refer to that person who comes from Latin America or who speaks Spanish.

The city of Miami, in the state of Florida, has a very important Latino community in number, which has been deeply rooted for decades, and as a consequence of this has already spread and spread many of its customs.

It is true that Latinos in cities like Miami are deeply rooted, but along with that reality, Latinos are also often highly persecuted for their non-American origin, and for that matter, it is common for them to be associated or linked to authorship. of basic crimes such as the drug trade and robberies.

It is important that at this point we make a clarification, although countries such as Brazil and French Guiana formally belong to Latin America because of their geographical disposition and also because they speak languages ​​that come from the mother tongue: Latin, Brazilians are not usually referred to as Latin, because precisely this use is more linked to the use of the Spanish language, then as Brazilians do not speak it originally is that they are not called this way.

But the concept of Latino has more uses and one of them is the one that refers to Latin as all those peoples who use languages ​​that have derived from the Latin language, especially the so-called romances such as French, Portuguese and Spanish.

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