
definition of improvisation

The improvisation it shows the human capacity to cope with events as they arise without prior planning. In reality, the philosophy of carpe diem is based on the importance of improvising life based on the day to day because it is impossible to plan the destination in the smallest detail.

Spontaneity in actions

The improvisation it is a character trait of a spontaneous and natural person in his gestures and attitudes. There are people who want to have everything under control and do not relax. For this reason, they also do not enjoy life one hundred percent because they are aware that everything is in its place.

Learning to improvise is an act of emotional intelligence more than necessary to live with a better quality of life. Past, present and future draw the life line of a human being. The past is immovable, the future is a mere hypothesis and it is in the present that you can truly live.

The balance in life that generates happiness

The real key to happiness It arises from finding the balance between improvisation and extreme planning. You cannot live to the beat of chance, nor can you act on sheer impulse. It is clear that it is an act of wisdom to deliberate in decision making.

The key lies in improvise at the right time and in those areas of your life where you can allow yourself to act in this way, for example, during leisure time. On the contrary, in certain areas, it is a gesture of irresponsibility to improvise depending on the moment. This is the case, for example, in the presentation of an oral exam, in a job interview or in any other test that requires previous work and a lot of effort.

Don't forget the organization

If you always let yourself be carried away by improvisation, then, the most likely thing is that you will not reach the goals that you have set for yourself because every objective requires a prior plan. But on the other hand, frequently, in the middle of the way to the top, you have to improvise to adjust this plan of action to the reality of the events.

People who have the capacity to improvisation They are those that have the ability to adapt to circumstances because they face changes with positive thinking. At certain times, having the ability to improvise can save a person from a pinch. For example, when an actor goes blank on stage, he needs to improvise to save the script.

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