
clan definition

We call clan to that group or community of individuals who have a common ancestry, in which family ties and obedience to the authority of the boss are paramount. With my family we are a clan, we like to go from there to here all together, for example, this year we also went on vacation together.

So, in this sense of the term, the group will be joined by some kind of kinship, ancestry and it will be precisely this link, a common ancestor, for example, whether it be the same real or mythological (totem), which will matter and weigh for above all things. Meanwhile, even if, for example, the lineage from which it comes is unknown or in doubt, the members of the clan will recognize a founder who will imply the unity of all the members.

Not necessarily to speak of clan there must be a blood relationship, since the concept transcends this question, because for example it may be an adoption, marriage or some invented genealogical link.

Furthermore, the concept of clan is closely linked to that of tribe subgroup, generally composed of between 7 thousand and 10 thousand people; The members of these groups shared the same living conditions, they were shepherds, poor and nomads and even more, they felt deeply linked by an important solidarity with each other. Therefore, ancestrally, the clans were seen as groups to be feared, because each member was totally willing to give their lives for the other in the most adverse circumstances or on the battlefields.

Also, the clan is called restricted group of individuals who are united by ties or common interests. The relatives of the victims of the attack have formed a clan.

And at the behest of video game the clan is called group of people who meet to play simultaneously, sharing different game alternatives, helping each other if required and facing other antagonistic clans.

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