
definition of cynicism

The word cynicism we use it in our language to express a behavior that human beings usually present and that is characterized by the lack of shame that an individual presents when lying about something, or the impudence that he has when assuming himself as a defender of someone or something that manifests a behavior that is certainly reprehensible from the moral or the good manners.

Human conduct that implies the defense of reprehensible actions or the absence of shame in the face of lies

That is to say, cynicism is precisely defending actions and behaviors that are absolutely reprehensible and despicable, either because they affect someone's sensitivity or because they interfere in an inappropriate way with a sensitive issue.

We must say that cynicism is a common attitude of appreciation in people and that they use it to lie about something or to defend some dishonest behavior that deserves social disapproval.

And therefore it is that cynicism is undoubtedly one of the most common manifestations that people use when we want to express an irony or a mockery towards others.

However, not everyone is capable of mastering this form of communication since it is essential to know how to handle irony and have intelligence to do it effectively, because of course, cynicism is associated with rationality and not with emotion.

There are people who have a natural disposition towards cynicism, while there are others who do not.

Meanwhile, we must say that cynicism does not always go down well with others and for that matter it is necessary to know when and where to express it, because it can cause us social problems and harm us in some aspects.

As cynicism has a quota of mockery and irony, it will be necessary to know who to direct it to and when to use it, for this reason we spoke that intelligence is crucial to use it in a compliant way and that it does not harm us.

The causes that provoke the use of cynicism are certainly varied, although there are some quite common such as: the frustration that someone or something causes us, mistrust, or a bad experience.

So, for example, the lack of social order or the prevailing corruption in a country are usually the cause of the use of cynicism to demonstrate against it, using mostly derogatory arguments and concepts.

Meanwhile, among the most common synonyms that we apply to this concept is that of shamelessness, which precisely allows expressing someone's lack of shame, while the antagonistic word to which we are concerned is that of sincerity which implies the absence of lies or non-pretense in action and thoughts.

Although the indicated one is the current and most recurrent use that we attribute to this word today, many centuries ago, more precisely at the request of the Ancient Greece, the word cynicism was used to describe the doctrine promoted by the Cynical school, which was composed of the followers of the Greek philosopher Socrates.

It should be noted that the concept had a negative connotation because the intention given to it was that of to devalue, to despise the way in which the disciples of Socrates decided to live, totally removed from material wealth.

Philosophical system followed by the disciples of Socrates

For instance, what this philosophical system promoted was the development of a close life and in permanent contact with nature, freedom and the cult of wisdom because only in this way could the individual achieve happiness.

In no way will material questions bring man closer to harmony and peace.

Even more, they completely distanced themselves even from pleasure so as not to be tempted and end up being co-opted by this feeling.

The followers of this doctrine were popularly known as cynical and among the various curiosities that they expressed is that of admiration for dogs, because they considered them faithful expressions of simplicity.

Today, we also call cynics, but those who do defense of lies, and on the other hand to those who are rather disbelieving of some values ​​and repeatedly use mockery.

Over time the term came to be used in colloquial language with the negative and pejorative sense that we mentioned at the beginning of the review.

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