
result definition

Although applied in various contexts that are not related to each other, as may be the case of medicine, sports and teaching, among others, the term Outcome always refers to the same, regardless of the type of scope and implies getting an answerOf course, in some cases they will be plain and simple numbers and in others just words, such as being positive or negative.

In the medical field, for example, when the doctor needs to establish if we are infected by a virus or disease, generally, he makes us submit to some medical analysis that later and due to its result, negative or positive, will allow him to determine the condition and with this in hand the best treatment to overcome it.

Meanwhile, in a sports context, the result refers to the performance in numbers that two teams obtained until the referee marked the end of the match. For example, Spain 1 Paraguay 0.

And going to the strictly academic field, the result can refer to the grade that a student got in the final evaluation of the course, for example, or to the mathematical solution that was reached after solving a problem in this discipline.

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