
definition of metaphysics

Metaphysics is one of the fundamental parts of philosophy that deals with the study of being, its properties, principles, causes and essential foundations of its existence, that is, and in other words, metaphysics focuses its attention on everything that transcends what merely physical.

In addition, this important branch of philosophy, distributes its attention to two questions that are those that in turn determine its division into two main branches, Ontology, which is the one that will deal exclusively with the study of Being and its essence, and on the other, Theology, which dedicates its efforts to the study of God and his essence..

Likewise and since ancient times, more precisely in Ancient Greece, a place and time in which many were occupied with these questions, metaphysics constituted the highest knowledge to which a person could try to reach, since it contained those last transcendental questions that we we ask about life and being, among others.

Regarding its name, that is, why the name of metaphysics was chosen to name this type of study, it is found in that this was the name of a series of 14 books written by one of the most important philosophers of that time. , Aristotle and that of course they discussed these questions.

And as metaphysics asks and deals with the study of being as well said and this implies a lot of things at the same time: an origin, a constitution, an interrelation, among others, it is that metaphysics will deal individually with issues such as nothingness. , reality, mind, nature, freedom, changes, the relationship between universals and particulars, should be and its contrast with should be, among the most salient.

But now, we mention everything that it deals with, however, the most important thing remains for us, which is how it does it ... and it does it in different ways ... in a speculative way, starting from a supreme question, for example being and starting From him he will be interpreting all of reality, inductively too, configuring a metaphysical or reductionist view of the world, understood as a simple whole built from assumptions from which individuals always had to start to know and act.

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