
definition of underworld

At the behest of the Greek mythology, as the set of beliefs and legends held by the ancient Greeks is called, the underworld, is the term that designates different kingdoms located below the earth, or failing that, beyond the horizon, in which the Greeks believed.

Greek mythology: place where the souls of the dead went that was ruled by the God Hades, and that was composed of various kingdoms

If we look for a concept equivalent to these times, it would be what we popularly call beyond, where people's souls are believed to go once they pass away.

Among the most popular kingdoms are: Island of the Blessed (in this place of the underworld the souls enjoyed a perfect rest once the death of the person occurred), the Elysian Fields (In this sacred place the souls of virtuous men and brave and heroic fighters lived a full existence and in a context that also turned out to be idyllic: landscapes where green and flowers abounded), Hades (The famous Hades is the abode to which all mortals go, that is, it is their resting place once they have departed from existence; according to Greek beliefs, very few mortals agreed to exit from this place of the underworld) and Tartar (In today's terms, Tartarus is the equivalent of hell, it was a place where torment and suffering prevailed).

The oldest mention of the Greek underworld is found in the works the Iliad and the Odyssey of the author Homer; too Hesiod and Virgil they have made mention of it in their writings.

Also, the prominent Greek philosopher Plato He made mention of the underworld incorporating the theme of the trial of the dead that was practiced right there; Once the person died, his spirit was assigned one of the kingdoms mentioned above, the Elysian Fields were accessed by the blessed, Tartarus the damned and Hades the rest of the spirits.

It should be noted that several peoples of Ancient Greece claimed that they held entrances that led them directly to the underworld and even deployed special rituals in their favor.

Hades has been the Greek deity entrusted with the authority and kingdom of the Underworld.

He was the eldest son of the titan Cronos and Rea, and brother of Zeus and Poseidon, with whom he unites to defeat his father, and later, after achieving it, the brothers divide the authority of the various kingdoms.

Monotheistic religions and other beliefs also boast of places where the souls of the dead go: heaven, hell or purgatory.

The various religions that have existed and still survive in the world, those considered pagan, and those that do not, which by case are the most representative due to the enormous number of faithful they hold, such is the case of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, have specific beliefs and ideologies regarding the place to which people go once they die, hell, where supposedly people who have committed a lot of evil in life go, or heaven, where those who are presumed go they have done good for others in life and are rewarded with a place close to God.

From the very moment that man understood the subject of death, that is, his finitude in this world, and that it is inevitable for everyone, there are no immortals among men, by the way, he began to look for answers and to think about the possibilities that existed behind it, more precisely what was behind it, if there was something, and if there was as most beliefs consider, where do souls go, the good ones, the not so good and the bad ones, and that's the way it is. that for each one a place has been thought and found.

Nobody who is alive knows what happens in that other dimension, in the afterlife, about which so much is spoken and has been written, but of course, it is only possible to know it by living it, for example, most of the questions that are said are assumptions and beliefs that religions and various faith proposals have decided to believe and impose on the faithful.

Dark and dangerous connotation

Regarding the Underworld there have been various considerations, some positive and others negative, depending on the glass with which it was viewed, in any case negative consideration regarding the Underworld has proliferated, which was a place full of darkness, evils, of monsters, especially associated with dangerousness, among others.

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