
definition of federal republic

The Republic It is a form of organization of the state, a system of government in which power resides in the people, although the effective exercise of management is assumed by a president or an executive officer who was just elected by the people through popular vote.

Republic: System of government in which power is divided into three powers and the election of their representatives rests with the sovereign people

This highest authority fulfills functions for a certain time and is elected by citizens, as we have already said, who live in the state in question, and can be carried out directly, that is, via vote, or through Parliament, whose members, stand out, they are also elected by the people.

Meanwhile, the Federal Republic, also known as Federation or Federal State, is an institutionalized grouping of relatively autonomous social entities that is made up of territorial divisions that are self-governing and to which the denomination of cantons, states, provinces, regions, among the most recurrent.

Each entity that makes up the Federal Republic has its own division, which gives it autonomy

In the Federal Republic, the state is divided into three powers: executive, legislative and judicial, this division being present both in the central administration and in the local administrations that correspond to each province, for example.

This situation gives territorial entities autonomy in political and judicial matters, although, we must say, that in practice many of them also tend to depend on the resources that they are entitled to receive from the central administration, and this sometimes goes against the absolute autonomy that should exist, because of course, they need to subsist.

The Federal Republic avoids the agglutination of the power of the state and thus it is that those who opt for this form are countries that have a democratic system of government.

One power controls the other

This organization was born as a consequence of the need to avoid the excesses of power that were able to characterize the not too distant past, and the most important thing that it proposes with the division of powers is that each power will exercise a control action with the other.

This results in the fact that one power deals exclusively with managing policies aimed at improving the quality of life of its inhabitants (executive power), another deals with discussing and sanctioning the laws that will guarantee the proper functioning of the republic and the equality of its inhabitants. (legislative power) and finally the other will be in charge of administering justice when there is any violation of the rules (judicial power).

Meanwhile, this same division is copied from the central sphere to the provincial one and the one that will clearly provide autonomy to the provinces with respect to the mother state.

Although they enjoy greater or lesser autonomy, they have powers of government or legislation on certain topics and that are different from those that correspond to the government of the Federal Republic; normally, it boasts a republican political system, although some exceptions have observed monarchical forms.

The self-government status of the provinces or regions that compose it is established by the Constitution and in most cases it cannot be altered unilaterally by the decision of the government of the Republic.

That is, each region, province, will have its own constitution that will determine the bases of social and political life, it can only be modified if there is consent in the local legislative power, the central state cannot and should not interfere in these matters .

Without popular vote, there is no republic

The main means of citizen participation within the Republic is the vote or suffrageMeanwhile, the elections must be free while the vote must be secret, in this way, citizens are effectively exercising the aforementioned participation without pressures or conditions.

But there are also other elements that turn out to be fundamental for the functioning of a republic, such is the case of: the division of powers, justice and the search for the common good.

The concept of the Federal Republic is directly opposed to that of a unitary or centralized state, which is the one in which there is only one center of political power, which extends its actions throughout the entire territory that includes the state, from agents or local authorities, representatives of the central power.

Likewise, it has a single Legislative Power that decides throughout the state and within it establishes a Supreme Court of Justice that has jurisdiction at the national level.

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