
definition of puppet

From a social point of view, we sometimes label people according to their appearance and use a specific qualifier to define the image they project. When a person transmits a grotesque and ridiculous image, it is possible to qualify that someone as a "puppet", a person whose appearance is somewhat absurd. For its part, the term describes the puppet, that nice character that one observes entertaining children.

In relation to the way of dressing and physical appearance, the adjective of puppet can also be used to define the striking and ridiculous aesthetic appearance with which a person dresses. A puppet is a person who draws attention by breaking social stereotypes. While there are adjectives that show a positive aesthetic assessment of someone, for example, an elegant person is one who has an impeccable presence.

Ridiculous person

However, it is also possible to make contrary observations when a person does not stand out precisely for his elegance. In that case, the puppet concept has negative connotations, for this reason, when a person receives this message they feel undervalued and humiliated by the other. In the same way, the one who pronounces this concept tends to undervalue the other and ridicule him.

In addition, when this type of qualifier is used, it tends to pigeonhole the other person in a certain role, the other is judged based on their appearance, confusing what they show with their way of being. From an emotional intelligence point of view, it is very important to avoid prejudice when meeting new people so as not to make hasty deductions from how they appear. Frequently, the term puppet is used as an insult that can also be applied to the way of being of a person who is considered insignificant and of little value.

In relation to the way of being, this adjective can also be used to define the character of an excessively conceited person. That is, someone conceited who is vain and presumes without foundation.

Puppet or marionette

The puppet concept can also be used at the entertainment level as a term synonymous with the puppet, that doll that is handled in the form of a puppet in children's theater performances. This type of dolls that star in children's theater plots are moved by strings that the puppeteer handles.

Photo: iStock - ShaneD2

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