
definition of organizational

The term 'organizational' is used as a qualifying adjective for any type of element or situation related to organizations of various kinds. It is possible to use this word in infinite situations or for numerous phenomena, such being able to vary from one organization to the other and acquiring different meanings in each case.

An organization is a social creation that involves the gathering of diverse individuals who must, in most cases, be superior to one. Normally, an organization is established with a purpose and a defined objective for which it must concentrate its efforts and resources, whether it is a profit-making or solidarity objective. The organization also assumes that its members share elements in common and that they are brought together in such a way by similar interests or because they all work towards obtaining the same result.

At the same time, an organization supposes a delimitation between the internal environment and the external environment in which there may be other organizations with which to coexist and / or compete. Although organizations are human creations, certain types of animal organization can also be observed that, although primitive, involve working together in favor of certain objectives.

This is why organizational will refer to all phenomena, individuals or situations that occur within or in relation to a specific organization. Today, the term is used largely in the workplace or business in which organizational systems are very characteristic. In this sense, organizational dynamics and the generation of certain climates are essential elements for the proper functioning of the organization, becoming very common terms used in the professional environment.

It can be said, then, that organizational will be useful to describe the functioning of the various parts of an organization, its members, its functioning and its particular dynamics, among other things.

Organizational development

Now, for the organizational dynamics we talked about above to generate favorable climates for the expansion and proper functioning of the organization in question, harmony and joint work between managers and members of the organization will be necessary and very useful. Meanwhile, this particular issue will be addressed by organizational development that precisely addresses the operation, development and effectiveness of the various organizations.

Because organizational development will seek to generate alternatives for the organization to sustain itself and function properly over time by investing in human resources, streamlining processes, creating a certain style and guiding all members towards the same direction; Also, the contribution and effort made in this sense by those who participate in it, whether from a directive or merely collaborative position, is essential.

On the other hand, organizational development can focus on internal change, based on the analysis of the organization and its immediate environment that will precisely allow it to obtain sensitive information about what to modify and what is the best way to go.

On the other hand, it should be noted that the organizational structure of the work presented by a company or company will directly influence the perception that the worker has of their conditions and professional performance in it. When the organizational structure is vertical and has a long chain of command, it will not be prone to teamwork while horizontal structures will facilitate it.

The structure always affects the rules, procedure, limitations suffered by employees in the development of their tasks.

The relevance of organizational culture

Organizational Culture implies the set of experiences, habits, customs, values ​​and beliefs that characterize an organization. Meanwhile, this culture tends to present varied consequences on the behavior of the members of the organization, for example in what is inherent to the attraction and selection of members, or in the retention and voluntary replacement of them. Then, the greater the correspondence between the values ​​of the employees and the organizational culture, the greater will be their commitment to the organization, with fewer chances of voluntary retirement or rotation.

Organizational psychology

Meanwhile, within the vast field of the psychology we can find a specialty called Psychology of work and organizations that deals with addressing the behavior of individuals in their work and in organizations, both in their individual and group development; and on the other hand it will focus on the experiences that arise in the work context.

In its comprehensive approach, organizational psychology and its representatives are concerned with describing, explaining and predicting some behaviors but also with resolving the specific conflicts that arise from this study. Because the fundamental mission of their work is the improvement in the performance of the organization and that each member enjoys a satisfactory personal development in it that adds to their quality of life.

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