
diction - definition, concept and what it is

A person has a good diction if when pronouncing a message there is no distortion in his voice or any grammatical error and, therefore, it is understood with total clarity. On the contrary, a bad diction occurs when an anomaly occurs when pronouncing words or in the construction of a sentence. Thus, diction, a term that comes from the Latin diclio and means way of speaking, refers to both the phonetic question of language and the grammatical one.

Typical errors in diction

The vices in the diction are incorrect forms in the construction or inadequate uses of the language, which can make communication difficult. The possible errors are very diverse, among which we can highlight the following: the abusive use of foreign words (ok instead of ok), solecisms or grammatical errors (I can't remember instead of I don't remember), cacophonies or dissonant sounds ( for example, it seems that it appears), the hiatuses or the repetition of the same vowels (I perform another or I hear songs), the amphibology or the possible double interpretation of the words (he is kind and she is not, I will ask him to do me a favor ), poor vocabulary or repetitive use of the same words. All these errors have something in common: they express a deficiency in the language and make it difficult to interpret the words correctly.

The role of the speech therapist in improving diction problems

The act of speaking presents two different aspects: the phonetic part of the language and the grammatical and semantic part of it. Diction affects both dimensions of language. On the other hand, it must be taken into account that there are many factors that intervene in diction: mood, nerve control, adequate breathing, vocalization, knowledge of grammar, one's accent and confidence personal.

To correct the various vices of diction, it can be very useful to use the services of a speech therapist. This professional is in charge of helping people with language problems, which can be phonological, phonetic, dyslexic or related to non-verbal communication, among many others.

We can all improve our diction

Having a good diction is useful, since communication is essential in any area of ​​life. Speech therapists and communication experts recommend a series of guidelines that can be beneficial: speak with an adequate speed, try to vocalize, avoid slurring words, control breathing, take into account the receiver of the message and do not forget that non-verbal language it is also part of communication.

Photos: iStock - skynesher / Martin Dimitrov

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