
what is womanizer »definition and concept

In our language, through the word womanizer we name that man who is especially characterized by his fondness for women.

Man who is romantically involved with several women at the same time or who easily changes partners

I mean, the womanizer is that male individual who presents an excessive inclination towards the female gender which will lead him to enter into love relationships with several women at the same time, or, if you do not do it simultaneously he usually changes girlfriend very easily.


The womanizing man is very easy to detect since he presents unique characteristics that reveal him, such as: a very high seduction in his manner and movements, gallantry at the maximum power, and careful physical appearance, that is, he takes care of his smallest detail. presence to attract women.

It should be noted that this trend means that this type of man is unable to establish a lasting commitment with a woman and therefore this inability turns against him in most cases since mostly women, upon knowing this profile, decide directly not to get involved with this type of men, because of course, it will imply a certain suffering and suffering.

Womanizing men have a seductive halo, which acts like a magnet on women; That high self-esteem and great charisma, surely, will be the reasons for that quick seduction that they execute.

Some say that the womanizer will be until he truly falls in love with someone, however, none of that is proven and for example it is important to prevent yourself from falling into their traps, so as not to suffer.

Some basic signs to recognize him in addition to those indicated is that he usually has many friends, he is only interested in a sexual connection, he likes the night and that is the time of day when he usually "attacks", he is not too interested in knowing The life and feelings of the woman he addresses will escape deep conversations that involve talking about feelings, he usually makes excuses when it is the woman who invites him out and runs away from commitment.

A relationship destined for suffering

Women who have maintained or maintain a romantic relationship with this profile of man suffer greatly because of the constant cheating with other women.

In many cases, women end up prey to this type of men, because that fantastic seduction they have ends up functioning as a magnet that prevents them from getting away from him despite everything.

That great seduction and power of conviction that he normally presents will end up involving the woman in question, who will decide to continue with the relationship, because he convinces her that nothing that is said about him is true.

Associating with a womanizer will inevitably bring suffering as a consequence.

Models and commitment panic, some causes

Although a specific cause of this behavior could not be determined in any way, it is common for the womanizer to have had a father who was also a father, that is, he learned and copied that model, considering it normal.

And we cannot ignore as another factor a tendency to refuse the commitment generated by that constant entering and leaving relationships.

This term that concerns us presents several synonyms, although there is one loaded with history that is the one that we undoubtedly use the most when we want to give an account of a man who presents the aforementioned excessive interest in women in general and is that of Don Juan.

Don Juan: archetypal character created by the Spanish author Tirso de Molina and stands out for his seduction

And because we say the concept endowed with history, because the Don Juan it's a archetypal character within Spanish literature and that has been created by the Spanish playwright and poet Tirso de Molina.

The work The trickster of Seville and guest of stone, dating from century XVI, was the first to publicize the myth of Don Juan Tenorio.

Don Juan de Molina stood out especially for being a seductive and daring character, while his great repercussion would give way to the creation of numerous proposals that still exist to date.

The stereotype of Don Juan has spread so fabulously that it is not only present in books, TV shows, movies, but also in everyday life when a man is characterized by frequenting several women, or having a different girlfriend every day we usually call it the Don Juan dome.

Of course, this archetypal character is attractive and picturesque for many, however, it will not be at all for the woman who suffers from it.

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