
definition of verbal

Relative to the term 'verb', the verbal word serves as an adjective for anything that has to do with the use of language. A verbal element or phenomenon is one that implies the existence of both spoken and written communication. For example, a verbal aggression is, unlike other types of aggressions, one that develops through the use of explicit words and not implicit or hidden.

Traditionally, the adjective 'verbal' is used to refer to a type of communication that is established through the use of oral language in which the use of words, interjections and expressions of all kinds is used. For verbal communication to exist, it is necessary to have a language that allows expressing the concepts or names belonging to each entity. Oral and verbal language is undoubtedly one of the most important and exclusive achievements of the human being, which differentiates it in a marked way from the rest of living beings.

In many situations, the adjective 'verbal' also applies to situations in which speech is important, for example when verbal violence is referred to as opposed to physical violence. In this sense, the power of the word is always recognized as a value perhaps even more important than that of acts, since the human being can express deep grievances through them. However, words and verbal communication also allow us to clarify our positive feelings.

By opposite definition, we understand non-verbal communication to be anything that serves to express feelings, values ​​or thoughts but through elements other than speech. In this group we can include the different types of gestures and facial expressions, movements and postures of the body. All of them constitute ways of expressing our sensations indirectly, and in many cases this type of involuntary and spontaneous communication can be.

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