
definition of poetic prose

There are different types of literary writing, prose and poetry show two very different areas.

However, it should be pointed out that the essence of both styles can also be fused through poetic prose that includes in a structure of poetry, that is, not verse, some aspects very typical of a poem: lyrical components, harmony in sounds that make up the words, aesthetic search in the descriptions.

Poetry beyond a poem

Poetic prose can be integrated into a micro-story or a short story. Poetic prose has greater freedom in grammatical structure than the composition of a poem. Unlike a poem, a micro-story that includes poetic prose cannot be analyzed from the point of view of meter and rhyme, however, it is a writing that has a musicality and a rhythm.

The poet may feel more limited when expressing a feeling through a poem in which the economy of language is more evident than in a text of poetic prose. A lyrical and romantic attitude that gives a text an elegant and beautiful style. In the structure of the poetic prose language, the use of stylistic resources that provide a literary intensity to the text in the expression of feelings plays a very important role.

The search for beauty

One of the goals of the writer who creates poetic prose is the search for beauty and aesthetic delight in such pleasing perfection. In this type of composition, the expression of feelings acquires a greater meaning than the fact of wanting to develop a specific argument.

The use of symbols and metaphors helps to recreate possible images with a literary character. It is a very expressive literature that, in some cases, could also be broken down into small verses within the text itself.

One of the most important points of poetic prose is to remind us that poetry can go beyond the traditional forms of poems that have a specific meter and rhythm since beauty has no limits. The paragraphs make up the structure of poetic prose.

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