
definition of care

According to the use that is given to it, the term watch out It can refer to various questions and it is also a word that we use a lot in our conversations ...

Special attention and vigilance that goes to something or someone

On the one hand, it may be the request or special attention given to something or someone . "This health institute provides its patients with all the care they demand."

On the other hand, when you want to account for the surveillance work that someone exercises for someone's well-being or for the proper functioning of something, a machine for example, the term care is often used to refer to it. "Laura is the one who takes care of the plants in the office."

In order to preserve people, property ...

Care, then, is an action that basically aims at the preservation, conservation and safekeeping of something or someone. Meanwhile, that care that someone deploys can be directed to himself, that is, the attention and vigilance are aimed at taking care of his life, his belongings or any other matter that directly involves him. But it is also common that care is dedicated to another, that is, that another living being or object is the recipients of actions to preserve damage or in the face of the threat of suffering an attack.

What care in this sense will do is increase well-being and avoid outright suffering from any harm or damage, as we have already pointed out.

In the case of people, the care measures are designed to take care of their health and life, that they do not injure themselves or result in serious or fatal injuries. Meanwhile, with regard to material goods, it is common for people to take care of them in different ways because they represent a great monetary or affective value.

One of the most common alternatives to take care that a house is not robbed or attacked is to have an alarm system and constant monitoring, 24 hours a day, and that in the event of any threat or attack, it will notify a central and then a security patrol will attend the place to repel theft.

And in the case of caring for money or other values ​​such as jewelry, it is common for people to deposit them in safe deposit boxes managed by financial institutions. The goods are placed in metal boxes that have a numbering and that are housed in a physical space of the entity that has a strict security system. Each box can only be opened with two keys, one that the user or customer has and the other that the bank has. This ensures that it cannot be forced.

Attention that is required to carry out an action

Also, the word care is recurrently used by people when they want to account for the dedication and the attention that is put to do something well. As a result of the violent storm, Juan decided to drive the car very carefully, even if it took forever to reach its destination.

Worry and danger

Likewise, when the intention is to refer a state of suspicion, fear or worry The term "care" is often used, for example, "go away, don't be careful, I'll let you know about any news in your condition immediately."

What's more, in situations in which you want to warn another of some imminent danger that is about to occur if you continue with the action or conduct, or, to warn of the contingency of falling into an error, the word care is used to refer to the aforementioned; Be careful! When turning there is a dangerous curve.

But the term also finds a positive meaning, among so many that are not, because many times the word is used with a absolutely ponderative sense, to highlight the qualities of someoneBe careful that Laura is very intelligent when it comes to solving mathematical problems!

And linked to the term we are dealing with, we find the popular expression be careless, which is frequently used when you want to refer that such a thing or someone does not matter or worry.

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