
definition of poetic license

Poetry is an art that does not go out of style, as shown by the verses of authors like Pablo Neruda that continue to excite later generations. Around this discipline, a wide range of leisure activities arises: poetry recitals, contests for poets, presentations of authors' books, sale of poetry books in libraries and the presence of poetry books in libraries.

Poets share their writing after having invested talent, inspiration, and hard work in writing. And the thing is, poetry also understands technique as it shows the importance of poetic license. These are writing resources that are applied by the poet who applies a certain resource in a poem in order to maintain the number of syllables in said verse so as not to detract from the musicality of the complete work.

Poet Resources

Licenses can also be a creation of the author himself who, apart from grammatical rules, makes an exception for a purpose with a creative sense. The truth is that to be able to carry out poetic licenses, as well as to write poems with free verse, it is very important to be an experienced writer and not a novice since every license has a reason and is not the result of improvisation or ignorance.

There are different types of poetic license. The term sinalefa refers to the union of two words since the first word ends in a vowel and the second also begins with a vowel or an ax, therefore, the end of a word connects with the beginning of another in a single voice blow ( this union of the words influences the meter of the verse).

On the contrary, as a poetic license, the dialeph can also be applied, which consists, precisely, in not making synalepha where it would correspond. In this way, the diphthong is broken, creating two syllables instead of just one.

Freedom in writing

The structure of a sonnet, for example, has a specific metric that the poet must respect in order to write his work respecting the characteristics of this composition. However, the writing is less corseted from the freedom provided by the poetic licenses that facilitate, precisely, that the poet can endow the writing with an adequate musicality that adjusts to the connotations of a composition.

Photos: iStock - SrdjanPav / agsandrew

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