
definition of comparative tables

The information we handle can be systematized and ordered in many ways. One of them is through comparative tables. These are general schemes with which it is possible to contrast the different elements that make up a given topic with a similar one. In other words, it is a technique that facilitates the understanding of a matter through the schematic visualization of information.

General considerations on comparative tables

These types of schemes fulfill a triple function:

1) a summary of the information is provided,

2) relevant data is compared and

3) show similarities and differences on a topic.

As a general criterion, they are organized from different columns in which the information is distributed. These tables are applicable in all types of activities, such as research, teaching, school activity or the business world.

These informative tables facilitate the systematization of the information. In this way, one ordered theme can be compared to another. The concepts or ideas that are compared provide a global vision and thanks to this it is more feasible to know a specific subject.

A practical example

Suppose we intend to buy a new car, but we hesitate between two different models. From this initial concern, we create two different tables in which we write down relevant information about both cars. In it we indicate specific data, such as the displacement, the type of engine and its power, the price, etc. When comparing the characteristics of the two cars we are using a tool to decide to buy one or the other.

When there is no need to compare information, a synoptic table and other methodological tools can be used.

As its name suggests, the comparison chart is designed to contrast information. However, when it comes to sorting data without comparing it with others, it is also possible to use another tool, the synoptic table. This technique is intended to organize, break down and rank certain information.

Note that comparative tables or synoptics are some of the traditional methods to develop study techniques, but there are also concept maps, graphs, diagrams or traditional summaries. All of these methods reinforce learning and understanding of information.

Photo: Fotolia - alexandertrou

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