
definition of coffee

Understood as one of the most popular beverages and currently consumed throughout the world, coffee is the product obtained from the seeds and fruits of the coffee plant or coffee tree. Coffee has a dark brown color that can vary in intensity according to how it is prepared or according to the addition of other elements such as milk, cream or sugar. In addition, it has a liquid but unctuous consistency and a strong and very striking flavor and aroma.

Coffee is a plant native to Ethiopia and other regions of Africa. Only in the sixteenth century are written data known about the presence of coffee in Europe and its subsequent expansion to the rest of the world. Coffee is made from working and processing the fruits and seeds of this very special plant. Normally, when the coffee beans have already been collected through different processes, they are dried and roasted in order to concentrate their flavor and aroma, in addition to obtaining a darker tone that will be reflected in the drink. . This toasting process can result in eight different levels ranging from blonde to black. Interestingly, the coffee beans before being roasted have a green color.

Once the coffee beans are ready to be sold, the beverage preparation process ensues. Here, these grains must go through a milling stage, the one that turns them into a fine and aromatic powder. Then, from this powder, the infusion is made using hot water (almost at boiling temperature) and it is left to rest and then drained properly.

One of the most interesting elements of coffee is its invigorating property. This occurs from the presence of caffeine, an element that has the effect of giving vitality and limiting fatigue. However, its excessive consumption can in turn generate significant short and long-term disorders.

There are different types of coffee and its essential and particular characteristics depend on the area in which it is produced since the environment also influences to determine the color, flavor and aroma of each species of coffee. Today, the main and most recognized coffees come from countries such as Colombia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sumatra, Indonesia and others.

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