
definition of memories

Considered one of the most interesting and popular literary genres today, memoirs are written composed of memories of experiences, experiences and sensations that a certain renowned character may have had throughout his life. Memoirs are part of the broader literary genre known as biography, but they differ from other types of biographies in that they can be much less rigid, formal, and structured.

The memoirs of a political, military, civic character or of any type of social leader can be written by the same person or by someone who has accompanied the same person for a large part of their life and who can have the necessary information to carry out such a task. (although this situation occurs in the least of the cases). Throughout this type of literary composition, the authors seek to capture all those experiences and experiences that were taking place, especially those that were shaping their personality and that had to do with the activities carried out.

Unlike biographies, memoirs seek to relate all the events that occurred in a given period of time, while the former will deal with the entire life of the character to whom it is referred. On the other hand, the memoirs also differ from the personal diaries since they are generally made at the end of the period about which it is spoken. Normally, they are written by political or military leaders in order to publicly capture all the work done, the achievements, the mistakes and the experiences obtained around them. They then serve as a reflection on past events and their possible consequences today.

On many occasions, these memories help us to better understand the lifestyle of those leaders since they bring us closer to their feelings, their thought structures and their interests in a way that is not usually publicly exposed on a daily basis.

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