
definition of natural park

Natural parks are natural areas within a territory, which are characterized by having been little or nothing transformed by human action and which stand out for the beauty of their landscapes, highly representative ecosystems, flora and fauna and hyper-unique geomorphological formations.

Natural spaces that present beautiful landscapes, fauna, flora and unique geological formations that deserve to be protected from the irreverent action of man

So the ecological, aesthetic, educational and scientific value it holds demands special conservation and protection.

The Park It is a generally fenced land, which has plants and flowers and whose use is reserved for recreation and rest of its visitors.

To fulfill the aforementioned functions, the parks usually have games for the fun of children, with benches to rest and in some cases they even have devices that deliver water so that visitors can cool off when they need it.

This type of terrain, popularly known as green spaces, is found in the city, although with less presence and of course in the suburban area and in the rural area.

The natural Park turns out to be just that natural space that has unique and special biological and landscape characteristics and therefore, as we have already pointed out, it is that it demands exclusive care of its native flora and fauna to protect it from possible attacks that may be suffered by man and his activity not always so careful of nature , and thus be able to guarantee their subsistence over time.

This type of park can be found in different areas of our planet, it can be found in the mountains, in the maritime space, in the middle of the desert, on the surface of the earth, or in any other remote or remote place on earth.

It is worth mentioning that with due care and attention placed on them, it is possible to visit these parks, which by the way, also serve as entertainment and rest for their visitors who can enjoy the benefits they offer and also contemplate the beauty of the landscape from which they are generally owners.

Actions that threaten the health of natural parks

The development that civilization has undergone in various aspects, technological, scientific, demographic, among others, has generated that nature is often affected, remains prey to that natural evolution, by the different activities carried out by man.

The development of activities that lead to environmental contamination, the excessive and little conscious use of natural resources, excessive and uncontrolled urbanization, deforestation without the corresponding afforestation, among other questionable acts, have generated problems and irreparable losses to the natural environment. that surrounds us.

So, with this state of affairs in clear expansion, it is that many nations and governmental and private organizations that fight for the care of the environment have made and are making excessive efforts to take care of natural spaces such as these parks to preserve them from all these activities mentioned so harmful, that if they fell on them they would soon make them disappear.

Government protection and punishment against those who spoil them

The declaration of these as natural parks gives them special protection and removes from them any irresponsible action that does not comply with the provisions.

Governments use the figure of natural parks to be able to protect, with a legal framework, these areas.

Of course, the legislation provides specific punishments for those who threaten nature, who degrade the ecosystem and the species present in these places.

In order to effectively achieve concrete protection, these parks have the presence of special caretakers who are in charge of monitoring the actions and activities of those who visit them.

Aesthetic, educational and scientific value

And preservation is so important because these spaces have a tremendous value at the request of maintaining the balance of the natural environment and also because they allow the world and those who visit them to make the native species of each place known.

They are places that offer scenic beauty and also a good share of education and value for science, you learn from them and they can also be the start of research that allows you to advance on the knowledge of still unknown subjects.

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