
definition of social action

The concept of social action It is widely used in our language. In the field of Sociology, the concept is used to designate that action that will affect the behavior of others.

Meanwhile, one of the most important sociologists in history, such as the German Max weber and how deeply he has addressed the issue at hand in this review, he identified four types of social actions in terms of ideal models: traditional or custom (it is an action that is governed by norms or principles, in which the rational practically does not intervene ); affective or emotional (in this case it is guided especially by emotions that originate in individual passion); rational according to values ​​(it is guided by a principle or a norm) and actions aimed at achieving a rational end (it is oriented to seek a rational end).

And on the other hand, the concept of social action is widely used in our language to refer to those Government or non-governmental areas that are especially dedicated to carrying out various activities or programs that have the ultimate goal of assisting a population in need or affected by a particular situation, among others. In this sense, social action will seek to modify a current state of affairs to improve it. Social action always tends to achieve the welfare of the people.

It should be noted that most of the state actions deployed by a Non-Profit Organization, such as a foundation, or failing that, those carried out by the state from a specific area, are aimed at satisfying the most basic needs than by x situation. they cannot be satisfied, such as: food, clothing, health, education. Generally, the lack of economic resources is the main reason why some people or sectors cannot satisfy them.

And on the other hand, social action is also fully deployed when a natural catastrophe or an emergency occurs such as an earthquake, a fire, an avalanche, among others, then, the organizations dedicated to social action will organize to make it arrive the most needed help to the affected areas.

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