
definition of active citizenship

The citizenship As we know, it is the condition of citizen that a person has with respect to a nation in which he lives or has been born. That character of citizen then is what gives that person a series of civil rights and obligations that must be respected.

While, active citizenship is a concept that applies to all those people who make up a community and who display a behavior committed to everything that happens in it. That is, the active citizen is absolutely involved in all matters that concern the community in which he lives and participates in everything that is de rigueur..

And it is found, for example, on the opposite side of that citizen who does not participate in anything, which is also a position that we usually find ourselves in the various communities.

When we speak of communities in which the active citizen provides their participatory action, we must clarify that they can be extensive, such as a country, or much smaller, such is the case of a school.

Those communities that have a preponderance of active citizens tend to function better than those that are focused on the individual because they precisely promote solidarity, care about the other, why they are better off and do not stop at personal success but at good common to all who compose it.

As we mentioned earlier, active citizenship has nothing to do with adopting a passive attitude, but on the contrary, there is a concrete commitment to participate with voice and vote in everything that happens and demands a change. Active citizenship does not wait for someone else to change the state of affairs and propose something better, but rather they care and try to achieve it per se and for everyone to enjoy.

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