
challenge definition

The term challenge refers to a challenge or an activity (physical or intellectual) that a person must carry out overcoming different types of difficulties, because it is precisely covered with difficulties and complexities.

Challenge that involves overcoming difficulties to be specified

Saying challenge is the same as saying objective that implies a challenge on a personal level. Human beings, due to this insatiable desire to do, we constantly find ourselves challenging ourselves. Now, this struggle to achieve the goal will imply following an action plan that is previously established and that will act as a guide to achieve the proposed objective.

There are as many challenges as there are people and each one will have their own share of difficulty, because we must say that there are no simple challenges. The more difficult to achieve, the greater the effort that must be invested to achieve it.

And of course the more it has cost to achieve the challenge, the more you will enjoy achieving it.

Only for persevering

The people who know how to insist, persevere and who do not give up when faced with the first difficulty are the ones who best achieve their goals, their challenges.

For example, these types of individuals are normally used as examples to follow, due to their ability to overcome difficulties and to fight in favor of what they intend to achieve.

A challenge can be complicated and dangerous in some cases, but achieving success is always something that generates satisfaction and joy since it not only implies being able to fulfill a specific task but also with what involves some complication. The challenges can be self-imposed as a challenge that the person does with himself, as well as imposed from the outside. Depending on the individual, either case can represent a lot of pressure and demand.

To challenge a person to do something, or to challenge himself, is precisely to demand the performance of an activity or action that involves a certain type of difficulty or danger. Thus, very characteristic challenges can be those that involve physical dexterity (such as climbing a mountain, swimming across a river or simply doing a demanding exercise routine) as well as those that involve intellectual effort (finishing a race, complying with certain job goals, etc.).

All these challenges can also be accompanied or complemented by moral or ethical challenges, such as acting or not in certain ways in certain situations (for example, it can be a challenge to enter a competition and not be unfair with competitors).

Needless to say, the meaning of challenge can vary from person to person. Thus, while it is not a challenge for someone to perform a demanding physical activity, it can be to carry out a demanding academic routine that is easy for another. This has to do with the preferences, capacities, interests and fears of each individual, all elements that are combined in a unique way and that make us react in a particular way to different situations.

Satisfaction and health

Always, the achievement of the challenge, the achievement of the proposed objectives, grants a high degree of satisfaction since it means overcoming specific difficulties and looking beyond what comes our way.

On the other hand, we must say that challenges are healthy because they motivate people to act, to get out of lethargy, out of routine.

Let's think of someone who is not having a good time, who is sad, melancholic about some personal situation, the fact of posing a challenge, surely, will be a good antidote to that feeling, it will fill her with expectations, sadness will take a back seat and it will move her to act yes or yes to achieve the proposed goal.

On the professional level, challenges also have a special value because they remove the stagnation of the worker in a boring routine and without growth horizons.


And on the other hand, the term challenge is often used to refer to the reprimand that someone gives to another as a consequence of having misbehaved.

Normally, parents, teachers, among others, give a challenge to children who do not do what is asked of them and, failing that, develop bad actions.

The challenge usually consists of a message in which this wrongdoing is evident and may be accompanied by a punishment.

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