
definition of state

The term state is a qualifying adjective that serves to designate and characterize all the elements that are part of a society and that fall within the most important political institution of it: the State, that is, everything that is proper will be classified as state. state or linked to it.

Own or associated with the state

When we speak of something as state we are then referring to its belonging to that state understood as an institution created by and for the human being. The state is always opposed to the private, that is, what is managed in the hands of individuals and that is not a direct part of the government of a society.

What is the state? Origins, connection with the territory and conformation

The notion of the state arises from the very moment that the human being creates the institution known as the state, even in its most primitive forms.

The State is the institution that governs social life in various ways but whose objective is to manage issues such as politics, economy, culture, diplomacy, civil and social acts of each region over which it has power. .

When we speak of the state we seek to refer to those elements, decisions or phenomena that are part of that political entity known as the State.

It can be better understood and defined as that structure that is made up of all institutions that have the mission of guiding the functioning of a community in a given geographical area.

The idea of ​​the state could in no way be conceived without that of a territory in which it is built and functions, normally governed by a national constitution in which the guidelines for coexistence of society are established and also the basic political delineations that will follow that territory.

When the human being abandoned nomadism and decided to settle in a specific geographical place to form a family, this idea of ​​the state appears.

A people settles in a territory, organizes itself and creates a power structure that will organize and govern it in all social life.

Thus, the institutions and state systems that have the function of ordering and regulating social life gradually appeared.


State is for example an economic measure that seeks to stop the advance of foreign multinationals and that seeks to establish the regional industry. State can also be education, that is, a type of education that is managed by the State, is the same for everyone and that opposes private education that remains in the hands of individuals (and over which the State has no interference) .

As the State is made up of numerous and diverse agencies, ministries and smaller institutions, all of them immediately become state: for example, tax collection agencies, ministries of justice, education, health or politics, citizen aid institutions, the civil registries in which many procedures can be carried out and whose power is in the hands of the State, etc.

State interventionism, that is the question

On the other hand, and in relation to the intervention that the state holds in a nation, there are controversies and various positions.

For example, there are those who consider that the role of this should be limited to basic and minimal issues and then should give rise to freedom of action on the part of citizens and companies. This is the basic vision of liberalism.

On the other hand, there is a totally opposite position and that maintains that the presence of the state must be total in almost all levels in order to avoid that private hands, which often have concerns not very close to the common good, end up keeping the interests and state resources.

We must say that no extreme position is good, the ideal is to have a state present where it is most needed, for example, assisting the most humble and vulnerable population, but also allowing commercial exchange, with minimal intervention so that the economy does not stagnate and grow precisely as a result of this round trip.

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