
definition of inertia

Inertia is the ability of a body to overcome movement. Thus, when a vehicle moves, everything inside it moves at the same speed. However, if the vehicle suddenly stops, everything in it will continue to move in the direction the vehicle was initially going. This is due to inertia.

The law of inertia and Newton's principles to explain motion

This law, also known as Newton's first law, states that every body tends to maintain its state of rest or continuous motion, unless there is an external force that forces it to change its state. Thus, the sum of forces must be equal to 0 for a body to be in equilibrium or with constant velocity.

Newton's first law explains the tendency of bodies to maintain their state. If not for some external object, the objects would remain at rest or in uniform rectilinear motion. Consequently, inertia is the resistance to the change of motion that bodies present.

With the law of inertia Newton explained some of the movements that exist. With a second law, this scientist explained other types of movements. In this way, an object on which an unbalanced force acts will accelerate in the direction of said force (this law is what allows us to explain the movement associated with the force of gravity). In a third law Newton stated that forces always occur in equal and opposite pairs.

A phenomenon similar to inertia also occurs in human relationships

When we let ourselves be carried away by events, we are acting out of inertia. This type of attitude is considered passive and can express a lack of motivation or personality.

This type of behavior has two different faces. On the one hand, inertia is positive because it is a comfortable option in which no decision has to be made. We imitate others, we let ourselves be guided or we continue doing the same as always and thus we feel in our comfort zone. Inertia has a very different reading.

Those who allow themselves to be led by this force easily fall into monotony and lack of control over their own life. In short, inertia can be an ally or an enemy.

Sometimes actions by inertia have a contradictory component: we let ourselves be carried away by it and at the same time we feel bad about our behavior. Let's think of a person who does not exercise at all and who has eaten everything he wants for many years. You most likely have a dilemma: you are comfortable with your daily routine, but would like to break away from it and start a new life.

Photo: Fotolia - kichigin19

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