
definition of sainete

The word sainete is a term that is linked to theater and that since ancient times has a recurring use.

Because at the Comic theatrical piece, of a popular nature, consisting of a single act and that used to be performed in the middle or end of a theatrical performance, it is designated as sainete. The farce was born in the century XVIII and in this century and in the following centuries it replaced in some way side dish, typical of spanish golden age.

In the sainete several issues are combined: humor, above all things, morality, dances, singing and everything that is closely associated with the most popular of the community in question.

Its main growers include: Luis Moncín, Juan Ignacio González del Castillo, Sebastián Vázquez, Antonio Pablo Fernández and Ramón de la Cruz, among others.

In the story two types of skits stood out especially, the Valencian sainete (faithful mirror of the Valencian society, in Spain, especially from the lower classes of the community) and the Creole sainete (typical of the Argentina, was combined with the forms of the circus and knew how to reflect the customs in the conventillos, typical collective urban housing adorning them with some humor, tragedy and love conflicts).

On the other hand, the term is also used to designate the play featuring funny and comical features and featuring typically popular characters, that is to say, that they represent the popular idiosyncrasy of the place in which they are interpreted.

And in common language, likewise, we find a fairly common reference to the word that allows us to express that situation that is distinguished by its ridiculousness and extravagance.

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