
deity - definition, concept and what it is

The word deity is synonymous with divinity or god, that is, a supreme being that can be worshiped by humans as it is considered to have some power over them. Throughout the history of humanity there have been several ways of understanding the term deity and each of them has formed a religious and cultural tradition. The different deities are valued as forces of a higher order and at the same time as creative entities and with a sacred dimension.

The deities of Greek mythology

In Greek mythology there is a plurality of gods, so it is a polytheistic conception. There are fourteen gods, also called Olympian gods because their abode was on Mount Olympus. One of them is Zeus, the father of the other gods and the one who rules the universe. Poseidon is the god of the seas and earthquakes. Athena is the divine representation of wisdom, war and the arts. Apollo is the son of Zeus and the brother of Artemis and is one of the most revered deidas, because he is identified with the truth and his nature is related to human diseases and the forces of evil. The Greek deities have a direct relationship with nature and were incorporated by the Roman civilization.

The concept of God in monotheistic religions

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are three monotheistic religions. Although each of them has its own doctrines and dogmas, there is one element in common: the belief in one true God.

The Christian deity has a unique characteristic, since the nature of God is Trinitarian, that is, it is made up of three persons in one, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The trinity dogma is prevalent within Christianity, but some Christian churches do not fully share it (for example, Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons).

Judaism believes in a god who reveals himself to the Jewish people and intervenes in history so that the Jews achieve their liberation. It is about a god that is not accessible and at the same time close to his people. He is the creator of everything that exists.

In Islam god or Allah is conceived as a unique, omnipotent and creator of the universe as a whole. At the same time, it must be revered and obeyed by human beings.

Other ways of understanding the concept of deity

Whoever does not believe in a supreme deity is an atheist, while whoever does not deny its existence but considers it to be a concept that goes beyond human understanding is an agnostic. On the other hand, there are philosophical approaches that approach the idea of ​​God from different perspectives: as a superior force that orders and governs the universe but does not intervene in the history of humanity or as an idea that must be interpreted to understand the different traditions. cultural

Photos: iStock - Stamatoyoshi / manx_in_the_world

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