
definition of romance

We can define romance as the feeling that is established between two people through love and falling in love. Romance supposes the appearance of pleasant sensations related to happiness, passion, company, etc., and this is why romance is linked much more than feeling and with emotionality, unlike, for example, sex or simple physical attraction. Romance is traditionally understood as the most joyous and happy period of infatuation, the one in which the two people who form the couple are completely dedicated to each other.

Romance supposes the existence of some kind of connection between two people. This connection can be established around various elements: in similar tastes, in ways of thinking, in shared experiences, in age, in the space where one lives, in physical attraction, etc. While this varies, the bonds of connection that are based on a certain level of emotion, adrenaline, compassion, affection and happiness, always have to be present.

It can be said that romance is one of the first steps towards the formation of a new family outside the family to which one belongs from birth. This is so since romance implies the desire to share life with that other person and have offspring that unite both parties even more.

According to the study of sociologists and anthropologists, it is considered that the feeling of infatuation and romance as it is understood today is a fairly current phenomenon. In this sense, many specialists maintain that the relationships of couples in past eras never supposed the establishment of ties of sincere affinity, compassion and emotion, but rather that they were generated around other phenomena such as particular interests, glory, tradition of a society, to power, etc.

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