
definition of didactic programming

The concept of didactic programming comes from the field of education and refers to the phenomenon by which educators of different levels and types program or organize the didactics of the beautiful teaching and learning process. Didactic programming is precisely to put in an orderly and meaningful way (that is, with a logical sense) the knowledge, the tasks and activities to be carried out, the objectives to be fulfilled, the resources to be used and other data. All of them together allow to have a clearer vision of the teaching process and better analyze the results as they are obtained.

When we speak of didactics we are referring to that process that represents teaching and learning understood as two correlative and necessary phenomena one of the other. Through didactics (which in Greek means precisely 'to teach'), the educational professional can establish links between the different types of knowledge and seek the best methods to make them an accumulation of data or information accessible and comprehensible for student. Didactics is, in other words, the way in which the teacher develops strategies that will be used in the teaching process to ensure the learning of individuals who fulfill the role of learners or students.

The didactic programming is then the process by which the way in which these didactic elements will be structured, ordered and organized throughout the corresponding school cycle is programmed in the long, medium and short term. In general, the schedule covers an entire school year that normally lasts around nine months. This is why a good didactic programming requires taking into account a myriad of variables that can be adjusted to the specific circumstances of the moment, the students, the teacher himself, the establishment, etc.

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