
definition of forestry

It is known as forestry to the cultivation and exploitation of forests or mountains.

Also, to the discipline that deals precisely with this type of cultivation is also called forestry.

Forestry as a science, turns out to be much newer than agriculture, scientifically born at the end of the seventeenth century when the first school of environmental engineering took place in Germany and since its inception it has been in charge of those more convenient techniques to apply to forest masses in order to obtain from them a constant and sustainable production of those goods and services that society demands.

The aforementioned techniques are formally designated as silvicultural treatments, whose main function will be to ensure two basic issues such as: the persistence and improvement of the dough and its multiple use.

The Forester, as the professional who is in charge of carrying out the forestry activity is called, will put into practice different silvicultural treatments according to the use that he wants to achieve, such as wood, firewood, fruits, environmental quality, among others.

As a consequence of its mission is that forestry always It has also been concerned and concerned with the conservation of the environment and nature, protecting hydrographic basins, maintaining pastures for livestock to feed on and guaranteeing the public enjoyment of forests..

The production of the dough may be direct (timber and non-timber; immediate products and raw materials, such as firewood, cork, resin, wood, hunting, among others) or hint (Mediated products and are generated by the masses by the simple fact of existing, such as carbon fixation, biodiversity).

Its main activities include create or preserve a forest, both practical and theoretical knowledge about how regulate the establishment of a tree stand, the composition and the development of it.

So, to do it in an effective and complete way, it draws on other disciplines such as geobotany (distribution of vegetables on earth), climatology (study the climate and the weather), edaphology (deals with the composition and nature of the soil in relation to plants), ecology (studies living beings, their environment, their distribution, etc.) and dendrology (focuses on the study of woody plants such as shrubs and trees).

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