
definition of place

According to the context in which the term is used place It will present different references, such as a geographical perspective from which delimitations are identified that help one to locate oneself, marking the distance between two points, as well as a scene that represents value for one, such as the home or where one works.

Space occupied by a body or the one in which events occur

In some circumstances, when speaking of place, reference will be made to space that a body occupies. All objects do occupy a place and also the events that happen need a place to happen, which is why, in addition, a place is an occupied space.

Territory that is part of the geography of the world

On the other hand, at the behest of Geography, a place will be that secondary agglomeration of a certain municipality and that regularly constitutes a village, that is to say, when the population is not constituted in a city or town, it is usually popularly referred to as a place.

In consideration of the spaces that make up our planet, geography is the discipline that deals with the various places that exist in our world. It deals especially with the delimitation of them, in political and natural matters, the type of economic activity that takes place in them and even with regard to culture.

In addition, Geography, as a discipline that deals with classifying the different geographical spaces according to their physical, relief, economic characteristics, among others, will be in charge of determining the different places that exist in the world, such as places urban, rural, those that are appropriate for life and those that are not, the socio-environmental and socio-cultural characteristics they present. For example, when referring to an uninhabited place, it will be talking about those that are in the middle of seas or oceans and that can only be located through geographical coordinates.

The development of technology and transport allowed a huge shortening of distances between distant places

As time went by and with it, substantial progress was made in the development of new technologies, for example applied to computing and transportation, today, it is absolutely possible for people to travel, move, or even communicate with places in the world. very distant world to which we are, in a simple, fast and relatively inexpensive way, if we compare with years ago.

Fortunately, the flurry of development brought by technology has allowed the distances between places to get shorter and shorter, that even though they are far away in terms of kilometers they can be close, for example virtually, being able to communicate with a family member who is on another continent. through an instant messaging social network, a virtual call, among so many options that today's technology offers us.

Likewise, the possibility of moving from one place to another is becoming easier due to the development of the means of transport that we also mentioned above.

Of course, in neither of the two areas, technology and transport, has a ceiling been reached yet with what is absolutely possible that it can continue to improve and evolve in these senses.

We cannot ignore what an activity such as tourism has done in favor of the possibility of moving from one place to another in a simple and effective way.

Tourism is one of the most important economic activities in the world and whose mission and main business is to articulate the trips that someone wants to make to a place other than their residence. It takes care of managing accommodation, insurance, air tickets, or others, so that its clients do not have more to pack their bags and wait for the day to go on a trip to that long-awaited place.


Another recurring use of the word place is to indicate time, occasion or opportunity of any question. "There is no doubt that this dress was made for you."

Job title

In addition, place will be called position or job held by a person in a company or organization, or failing that, in a hierarchy. "Laura has been the secretary of the presidency since she joined the company." "Juan came in fourth place in Sunday's competition."

Expressions associated with the term

On the other hand, there are several expressions associated with the term, such as: lead to (to produce, provoke), instead of (instead of), there is no place (especially in law, when you want to indicate that you do not access what is requested), occur (to happen, to happen), out of place (inappropriate, inappropriate, contrary to a situation), common place (trivial expression), historic place (space where a transcendent event for humanity has occurred).

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