
guide definition

According to the context in which it is applied, the term guide has different meanings. In general terms, a guide is understood to be that or the one whose objective and purpose is to lead, direct and direct something so that it reaches a successful conclusion in the matter in question..

This type of function that we just described can be found materialized both in a person and in some specific element that is very common and recurrent use for most people..

The phone book, for example, we can describe it within the group of elements that we mentioned, since it is a list prepared by telephone companies or city councils in each country that tends to provide people with the contact number and address of those people or companies seeking. In addition to offering data such as address, name and contact telephone number of the desired person or company, these lists, which were initially offered on paper and now can even be consulted on the Internet, offer other widely useful data for a community such as the number of firefighters, police, hospitals, civil prevention, among others.

As it is very personal and private information of the people, such as the fact of the address and the telephone number of the place where they live with their families and considering that the guide is a means that anyone consults and can access, is that the option of wanting or not to appear in it will be allowed.

But on the other hand, for example, for companies, a guide of this type is essential since it will allow them to locate suppliers and professionals, as appropriate, and according to needs.

Meanwhile, it is also known as guides the person who is in charge of guiding tourists on an excursion or visiting the most characteristic places of a city or region. Generally, they speak the same language as these so that in this way it is easier to understand the visit and basically, they will focus on tourists getting to know the cultural or natural heritage they are visiting.

Likewise, a guide turns out to be that document carried for example by carriers and that gives an account of the merchandise that they are carrying and that will allow once the trip is finished, to check that everything has arrived correctly and as it was sent from the place of origin .

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