
definition of anarchy

The word anarchy is the term we use in our language to designate a a state that can occur in any context and is characterized by disorder, chaos, confusion and, above all, by the absence of an authority to organize and order the situation in question.

Disorder and chaos in an everyday context or situation

Or, it may happen that there is an authority even though its power is so weak that it is as if it were not directly there. "When the boss goes on vacation, at Marcos's work, anarchy reigns: everyone retires earlier, is absent, etc..”

Nation in which there is no government

On the other hand, the word anarchy has a common use in the political terrain since through it you will realize that state, nation, in which there is a total absence of government or authority, that is, there is no individual or group to which the community respects and obeys, but on the contrary, a state of chaos prevails.

In any case, the concept refers to without government, and these are the two senses in which the word is mostly used, in our daily life, to refer to the disorder that prevails in a context or in relation to the organization of an issue.

Any human activity requires a bit of prior planning to be carried out in accordance with the success of the project.

Meanwhile, if chaos and lack of control predominate, this state of affairs will be called anarchy.

This sense of the word has a negative connotation.

And on the other hand, in politics, this concept is widely used.

Generally, a context of anarchy appears after the succession of some concrete event that causes a crisis and a generalized uprising of the people against the current power, which ends up abandoning the government by force.

Political and social doctrine that promotes the absence of the state, the suppression of private property and individual freedom

But beware that anarchy will not always be synonymous with the absence of authority in the political field, since on the other hand and on the other hand we will be able to find the anarchism which is a social political doctrine that promotes above all things the individual freedom of the people, the total suppression of the state and also of private property as an ideal state and form of government.

That is, in an anarchic political context there will be no hierarchies, social control, or authorities that are capable of imposing themselves on individuals, because as we said, they enjoy absolute freedom to proceed.

In anarchism, authority is seen as something negative and totally counterproductive.

Anarchism was born in the nineteenth century, in Europe, in reaction to the exploitation suffered by workers in those times of full Revolution in which working hours exceeded more than ten hours of arduous work, there was no right as if there are Today and above all, children were exploited in a degrading way.

Anarchism was contemporary with Marxism and was influenced by it, since they share some principles and considerations, among them the absolute discontent with the exploitative labor situation described, the demand for social change and the idea of ​​achieving these changes through the revolution.

Another point in common is the defense of collective property and the rejection of private property, the latter must be suppressed.

Meanwhile, regarding the differences with communism, we must point out the rejection of anarchism to any form of government, since they propose self-management, the workers should be the ones who direct the economy and their lives; It is by no means accepted that this is done by a political party, no group should hold power.

Although this movement has spread throughout the world, it was never applied in practice in any state in the world.

Anarchism and the relationship with violence

However, when addressing this issue, we cannot ignore the violence with which anarchism is linked, because there are many examples yesterday and today of groups that follow this ideology and whose manner of manifestation is simply violence.

They use terror and violence to attack the current social order of a state because they consider it to be oppressive.

It is very common to appreciate in protests that are promoted by anarchism the exercise of violence without limits.

Private property such as buildings, houses and national monuments are usually the target chosen by anarchist groups to express their hatred towards institutions and everything that has to do with the organization of the state that contradicts their ideas.

The supporter of this form of government and therefore in popular language who does not like to observe the rules and respect the authorities, is popularly known as anarchist.

Among the most used synonyms for this word, undoubtedly, that of chaos is the one that is used the most, while the concept that opposes it is that of order.

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