
definition of focus

The word focus supports various uses.

Lamp that emits light in a specific direction and is used to illuminate an activity

One of the most widespread uses of the word is given at the behest of the indoor or outdoor lighting, to designate that electric lamp that emits a very strong light and is directed in a certain direction.

Generally, as they are luminaires that provide intense directed light, they are usually used in specific places that require precisely a vast illumination, among them: football stadiums, stages where musical events are held, theaters, television sets, lighting of buildings. , streets and houses, among others.

It should be noted that the electric bulb It was invented by the English scientist Thomas Alva Edison towards the end of the 19th century, in 1879.

Electric bulb

Also, to the electric bulb, it is also called focus in many Spanish-speaking parts.

The heating of its metallic filament is what provides the light.

From very remote times of humanity, lighting was a concern for men who were precisely concerned with creating various processes and elements to provide light.

And this is so because many activities that people carry out demand light, a concrete clarity in order to be able to carry out conformity.

Since prehistoric times, human beings created sources of light, for example through combustion that led to the appearance of fire.

Then, with the evolution, the famous oil lamps appeared, which today are sold in antique dealers as coveted pieces, later, gas lamps to light the streets especially, up to incandescent electric ones.

Already around these days, in the twentieth century, fluorescent lamps and low consumption lamps were created and recently led lamps that provide excellent lighting and have a long life and savings in electricity consumption have begun to be implemented in everyday life. .

Lighting: practical and aesthetic purposes

Lighting is the arrangement of lighting devices or spotlights with the intention of providing light to an indoor or outdoor space.

Lighting has a primary practical purpose, which is that we can carry out activities of various kinds in a space when the natural light has finished, or in those places where daylight does not reach.

However, lighting also has an aesthetic or decorative purpose that many also exploit with the intention of making some spaces more welcoming, or to highlight certain places or objects arranged in a room.

The tasks that are carried out in a room or space of the house are essential when determining the type and intensity of lighting, for example, in bathrooms and kitchens we normally demand more lighting, while the rooms where you rest They allow the lighting that is available to be more relaxed in terms of intensity.

A separate paragraph deserves workplaces where it is important that there is good lighting so that visual fatigue does not occur.

Physics: point from which a beam of light starts

For its part, in the field of physical A focus will be the point at which a beam of light rays or a beam of heat rays departs.

Linguistics: relevant syntactic element

In the linguistics, We also find a reference for this word, since the focus is in a sentence that syntactic element to which relevance is attributed from the intonation.

Place where something is concentrated

On the other hand, when you want to express that place in which a thing has been concentrated or that place from which something diffuses and extends, it is spoken in terms of focus.

The city of Buenos Aires is one of the most important artistic and cultural centers in Latin America.”

Greek mythological deity

In the Greek mythology, Focus, was the name of a popular character from this legendary series of myths and legends.

Computing: Active Window

Meanwhile, in the computing, a focus is that window or graphic element on the desktop that has been activated.

The way to recognize it is through the diverse coloration on the edge of that window that is active.

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