
definition of tribal

The word tribal is the term we use in our language to account for that which is one's own or is linked to a tribe.

That belonging to or associated with the tribe

Meanwhile, tribe is a concept that is widely used in our language and that we use to refer to various questions.

Meeting of native peoples. or social group. who are settled in a territory and who share uses and customs and beliefs

To association of native peoples, ancient, it is called a tribe but we also use the same term to designate that social group settled in a given territory and characterized by its homogeneity and autonomy.

In ancient times, when different families were united, they gave rise to the formation of a tribe, that is, they lived together in the same geographical place, and were led by the same chief, who was generally the oldest man in the families and to whom respect and obedience were owed to him in order of his age, which was by the way a sign of wisdom.

Consideration of the elderly today and yesterday

Regarding the latter, we cannot ignore that this associative conception of the elder with wisdom did not evolve, but on the contrary, it regressed, since in our days, unfortunately, many communities tend to relegate the elderly to the background, that is, They are not valued as in the past, nor is the experience they have accumulated over the years made use of.

Now, this position predominates in the West, while in the East that consideration of the elderly persists because the wisdom that the years lived has naturally contributed to them is precisely recognized.

They also agreed on the observance of the same norms, customs, and professed the same religious beliefs.

In ancient Rome, and in America, the aboriginal communities of the Aztecs and the Mayans, were constituted as tribes.

Urban tribe: group formed by young people who live in the city and share tastes and physical looks that make them stand out from the majority

It should be noted that at present the word tribe has a prominent presence in the social scene since it, associated with the word urban, Urban Tribe, is used to refer to that group made up mostly of young people, adolescents, who live in cities, share musical interests, dress, speak, and comb their hair in the same way, and give rise to a social group easily recognizable by these characteristics that make them stand out from the rest, that is , of the culture that dominates in the society in question.

These minority groups focus on the search for a place of belonging, and precisely looking in a certain way, unlike most, listening to specific music, attributes to them that belonging that they demand so much for their lives, gives them an identity, and also the Approach peers with the same concerns that are not those of the majority of their age.

Because of the above, they will make up a subculture within the macro culture.

This generates, on the one hand, that many of these tribes confront each other, because of course, they do not share the same preferences and tastes, and on the other hand, they also tend to suffer discrimination from most of the community to which they belong and that Because of their physical appearance, he appreciates them as rare and on many occasions discriminates against them for it.

Among the most notable examples are dark, floggers, emo, among others.

Biology: taxonomic group in which a family of living beings is divided

And at the behest of the biology, the word tribe designates Each taxonomic group into which a family of living beings is divided, and at the same time, they will be subdivided into another organization, which is that of genera.

Tattoo class

On the other hand, in the context of tattoos, the word tribal is a term that designates a specific type of tattoo whose design consists of symbols and not figures.

Tribal is one of the most widespread types of tattoos among people who decide to make these drawings on the skin.

Today, tattoos have become a fashion, they ceased to be a cult practice in some communities and in certain areas, for example rock, and so today we can appreciate tattoos on the skin of millions of people. that are not enrolled in any sector, even adults are encouraged to them, ceasing to be only things of young people.

The common person likes to tattoo an image or symbol that represents something important in his life, the name of his partner or love, that of his children, among other loved ones.

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