
shadow definition

The word shadow It has several references depending on the context in which it is used.

The one of dark image that projects an opaque body onto any surface, intercepting direct rays of light is the most recurrent use of the term shadow. At night the shadow of the tree frightens the child greatly.

Another frequent use of the word is given at the request of referring to that a place where the sun does not shine, or failing that, where you are protected from it. The sunbeam at this time is very strong, I'm going to retire in the shade.

On the other hand, shadow, is a word used as a synonym for darkness or lack of light. We have to take the photos before the shadow, otherwise they will look very dark.

In the field of painting The use of the word shadow is recurrent, since in this way it designates the representation, from the use of dark tones, in a painting or a drawing, of those parts that have less light.

Likewise, the word shadow is used to designate the place, area or region to which, for one reason or another, the images, sounds or signals transmitted do not reach, either by a device or a broadcasting station. Shadows do not allow us to achieve a good reception.

Also, we find another quite frequent use of the word linked to a spiritual context, since it is used to refer to the spectrum or the appearance of an absent or deceased person.

On the other hand, there are also those who use the term shadow when they want to refer ignorance. I spent years in the shadows without anyone taking me into consideration and telling me what was happening.

To small amount of something it is also called a shadow. There is a shadow of doubt around his sayings.

Meanwhile, in colloquial usage, shadow is frequently used to refer to the person who follows another everywhere and to account for the secrecy or anonymity of an activity or someone. Laura is the shadow of her sister, there is no way to detach it. Mario acted from the shadows during the military dictatorship.

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