
definition of helping

The word help is the term that allows us to express the collaboration or cooperation that someone carries out at the behest of a certain activity or that is given to an individual within the framework of an activity or task that they are carrying out, or in a pressing situation that they are experiencing, whether economic or emotional.

Collaboration that someone gives to another

Laura helped me set up the house after the move. We are helping Juan in an event he organized for the benefit of his neighborhood club.”


On the other hand, the word help is also used as a synonym for assist and assist someone who is immersed in an emergency or delicate situation.

It can be applied in relation to entities or organizations, that is, if an earthquake occurred in a country, then different organizations and nations provide help to the affected country by sending supplies of clothing, food, medicine, among other issues.

And we can also use the word with respect to individuals who are going through a difficult time, for example, due to the loss of employment, and they are helped with money and food so that they can survive until they find employment again.

In any of the cases that we have mentioned, someone has an element or resource that is handed over to another voluntarily and with a purpose of solidarity, to assist and collaborate, in case the help always involves two parties, one that shows that resource and the other who needs it and who will obviously be looking forward to it, because it will save him from the situation in which he finds himself.

That which is used as support

And also from the word help can be expressed to that or the one that someone uses to support themselves. “My grandmother uses a walker to be able to move around the house since after the operation her own mobility was reduced.”

It should be noted that the word help presents a remarkable variety of synonyms, among which the following stand out: auxiliary, succor, assist, ....

Meanwhile he opposes concepts such as those of abandon, neglect and abandon, which of course implies the opposite: abandoning the person who needs help in some matter to their fate.

The action of helping is also closely linked to concepts such as solidarity and humanity, since inevitably those who are inclined to help others who need it will observe these characteristics in their personality, showing a special sensitivity in favor of those who need help. hand.

Non-profit organizations, at the center of social aid

When addressing this issue, we cannot ignore the great work carried out around the world by non-governmental organizations, famous NGOs, foundations or non-profit civil organizations, and which centralize resources that are then derived to those people or territories that need them. , that is, they personally take care, through their teams and collaborators, to get help to them, they use their own logistics, except that the magnitude exceeds their possibilities, they may require the assistance of the state, but normally they do it per se.

The birth of these organizations always has as a common point the meeting of several people who have suffered a tragedy or who empathize with various social causes and then decide to get together to serve and provide solutions to those people or vulnerable groups who need them to get out of a conflictive situation, a health problem, homelessness, among others.

Fortunately, there are many people around the planet who have a tremendous social conscience beyond whether or not they have excess resources of their own, and decide to invest part of their time working for these types of organizations.

However, we cannot also ignore the responsibility that the state has in terms of assistance and help to those people who are in situations of poverty and marginalization, because unfortunately, in many underdeveloped countries, this ends up being a constant reality, the states co-opted by the corruption of their leaders cannot cope with these problems, because public money has been stolen from them, and it is the NGOs that end up assuming the role of the state.

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