
definition of appearance

It is designated by the term of appearance to the outward appearance of a person or thing. From this general description of the term it follows that, when we speak of appearance, we refer strictly to that external being of a person or thing and that not because of how it is or the sensation that that outside produces in us, will that person be internally..

For example, and to better clarify the point in question, generally and as a consequence of prejudices and misunderstandings to which human beings are sometimes subjected or fall, we tend, in most circumstances for no reason or apparent, only based on in that external look that we make and we have from others, to open value judgments about the possible behavior or actions of a person, just based on the way in which he dresses or moves. A person who pays too much attention to his physique, traditionally, is appreciated by the rest as superfluous, hollow and unintelligent, although of course, he is not and what is even worse does not come close to that type. Meanwhile, a person who dresses extremely formal and even to attend a party wears a suit and tie, generally, it will be thought that it is an intelligent, serious and thoughtful being, although of course it is the same. contrary.

By this I mean that we are so invaded by general stereotypes and those that we ourselves form in our heads that generally these end up conditioning the idea that we form of the rest of the individuals and obviously this situation will not only generate problems in the long run. In relation to the type of people with the appearances that we mention, but also to ourselves, even though we do not belong to a defined stereotype of appearance, it will also make future relationships difficult because we probably will not resist treating someone for their appearance and we are in definite accounts making a mistake.

As the popular saying goes that appearances can be deceiving, that is why it is good that someone's outward appearance is a warning or a call for attention to prevent problems or unpleasant situations, however, as can be seen from the comments, not always Appearances tell us what the person really is, so it will always be better to know first and then judge or open a value judgment about something or someone.

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