
definition of social education

Social education is a pedagogical sub-discipline, at the request of education, which exclusively deals with promoting the incorporation of students to the various social networks that surround it with the mission of guaranteeing their development in all aspects and levels and thus be able to expand not only their aspirations in education but also in the professional, future, of course, and social participation, among other issues, that directly affect their development.

Discipline that promotes the incorporation of students to social networks to guarantee their development and social insertion in accordance with

The Social education It is a form of social intervention that will be carried out from educational strategies and content with the aim of promoting social welfare and improving the quality of people in general and especially the resolution of problems of those marginalized groups that were left out of the system.

Enforce rights and avoid marginalization

What Social Education proposes with its action is, on the one hand, to prevent such marginalization problems and, on the other hand, to assure all individuals the fulfillment of their rights, in short, its objective is to optimize socialization processes.

The incorporation of individuals to the different social networks will favor the development of their sociability and allow their social circulation. Meanwhile, hand in hand with this social and cultural promotion, the possibility of acquiring different cultural assets will remain completely open, which will, of course, broaden the perspectives of those interested.


Among the functions that concern social education are: the observation of contexts, behaviors and attitudes that detect individuals or groups that are in a situation of maladjustment or marginalization; contact these same subjects, collect information about their lives, problems, relationships, in order to know which strategy is the best in each case; planning of the educational strategy that will encourage participation and that will obviously bring about an improvement in the quality of life of those involved; mediate between the subjects and the social, school or labor institutions, as appropriate, in order to facilitate their access to them.

It should be noted that social education covers a wide range of fields in which it intervenes, standing out among them: adult education, specialized social education, sociocultural animation, non-formal education, environmental education, intervention in the elderly and intervention in drug addiction.

Education is the great door to a future

As we well know, access to education, in any case, will facilitate and contribute to being able to enjoy a better future, with better possibilities, both personally and professionally, whoever enjoys a preparation will be able to compete for better working conditions in their field of action.

Education undoubtedly improves the quality of life of all and by case it is that societies of all times were busy developing it, improving it, studying it from different points of view in order to improve themselves.

We must also say that it has been one of the most important human creations that man has made to overcome his limitations.

Without education there is no development or progress possible, that is a concrete reality, it may sound like a cliché but it is like that.

Traditionally, education is associated with the formal learning process in educational institutes or schools, however, the education process is much more than that, it includes other aspects and teachings that will begin as soon as the person is born, from which they will occupy their parents and their closest environment.

We must also mention the education that the referents bring us, popular education, that which is learned in the street, let's say.

On the other hand, living with other people provides us with education and not to mention attending places that offer non-formal education; All these actors will train us and contribute to the personal and social formation of the person.

Another aspect that we cannot ignore when talking about education is that many years ago, and until approximately the nineteenth century that brought new paradigms in many levels and senses, education was a privilege enjoyed by a few, bah, the classes of the privileged society that could pay teachers or make their children travel so they can study in elite schools.

But after the Industrial Revolution this began to change progressively and fortunately education became a right for everyone, without distinction of races, classes, genders, ages, among others.

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