
definition of heartbreak

Heartbreak is one of the most human feelings that exist. A feeling that is lived with a certain existential drama at the moment in which that disappointment occurs that frustrates the personal expectations of the lover who has placed his trust in a person who does not correspond to him in the same way.

True sentimental happiness in being with a partner arises when this feeling is reciprocated. But when one gives much more than the other, then sooner or later the relationship is frustrated.

Possible causes of a heartbreak

There are different possible situations that show a lack of love: when a person falls in love with his best friend but without being reciprocated, when he suffers from a platonic love that appears unattainable, when experiencing the indifference of the object of desire, before the unexpected abandonment of the partner ...

A universal theme that has even been treated in the cinema in such successful romantic films as My Best Friend's Wedding.

A film in which the main character played by Julia Roberts suffers the bitterness of verifying that his best friend, whom he loves unconditionally, has fallen in love with someone else and is getting married.

This subject has also been widely covered in different love songs that have become the perfect soundtrack for so many personal stories that show the biography of a disappointment.

Consequences of sentimental disappointment

The bitterness of this sentimental disappointment produces a bitter pain in the heart. A prolonged tiredness during the first days. A person who feels emotionally depressed as a result of love rejection wants to sleep longer first thing in the morning.

So you have to go the extra mile to start the day professionally and not let your mood affect your performance in the office.

Just as a person in love has difficulty concentrating on the daily routine, in the same way, a person who suffers from a lack of love also has difficulties to focus their attention.

Fortunately, the pain of sentimental disappointment is overcome little by little, with the passage of time, and in most cases, breaking all contact with the other person. It can be very therapeutic to turn the page and heal wounds.

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