
definition of harassment

Understood as one of the most stressful forms of human relationship, harassment is the act of constantly and more or less obviously persecuting an individual, meanwhile, that persecution can be carried out by an animal which, due to its characteristics of Ferocity is feared, or by another individual who presents himself in his very threatening way, he can even exercise harassment through the use of a weapon.

The purpose of harassing is to obtain something from the person being harassed, in the case of animals it will surely be the instinct to defend themselves against the perception of a threat or the need to eat. And as far as people are concerned, the mission will almost always be to achieve some benefit from the harassed.

In any case, this first definition may vary depending on the case since there may also be cases of harassment from several people to one, harassment in a visible or tacit way, material harassment or psychological harassment, etc. Harassment is, then, the constant persecution and harassment that is exerted on an individual, generally, in order to obtain certain results.

Various types of harassment: sexual, work, school, cyber

The human being knows different types of harassment that can occur throughout different stages of life and without spatial or temporal limits. Harassment always implies the presence of someone responsible for the harassment, the harasser, and the person who suffers it, that is, the harassed. This relationship (which can have variables such as number of individuals, their sex, age or ethnicity) implies the perverse exercise of a certain social hierarchy or threat to a person who does not have such characteristics and who, therefore, must face to such a situation. That is to say, generally the person who harasses is a person who has authority and power and will then assert both issues in front of his harassed, who of course is in a lesser position or of zero privilege. For this reason, bosses tend to top the list of bullies, assert their role of authority and the need for work of their employees to subdue them without them being able to resist too much.

Among the best known forms of harassment carried out by human beings we find sexual harassment, that which occurs from recurring situations in which from words to acts of sexual violence can be present. However, bullying can also occur in other social settings such as school, neighborhood and other institutions where there is a certain hierarchy. Bullying, as has been said before, can also establish itself among children at a very early age if one of them has a dominant role in front of their peers.

In one of the spaces where bullying has grown the most is at school

Called as school harassment or bullying, in its Anglo-Saxon name but which many Spanish-speakers have also adopted, it consists of physical or psychological abuse between peers in an educational establishment over time.

Generally, the harasser is a partner who, due to a situation, is in a position of power or force greater than his victim.

The reasons for harassment can be antipathy for some characteristic of a classmate, discrimination in some aspect, because he studies more, because he is more beautiful, among the most common.

It is important to note that the consequences that bullying leaves on those affected are very important and that is why it is important that it is disseminated and that the authorities and parents are vigilant in order to stop it in time and avoid greater evils in the future.

Today, with the development of new technologies that make borders of all kinds invisible, it is absolutely possible to develop cyber-type harassment between people who do not know each other or who are at great distances from each other. The almost undeniable presence of the Internet in everyday life has its good part and of course another that is not, as in this case, and it is undoubtedly one of the main factors that contribute to the existence and spread of such phenomena.

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