
definition of fluvial

The term Fluvial refers to everything related to or in relation to rivers.

Meanwhile, the word fluvial appears commonly linked to other concepts that also have a lot to do with rivers. On the one hand we find the river dynamics which designates the process by which the action of the rivers modifies not only the land relief but also the very route of the river in question. This concept is closely linked to the study of continental waters.

On the other hand, also closely related to rivers and the river terminus, the concept of river regime which is used to refer to the behavior of the average flow of water carried by a river each month throughout a year. The final number will depend on several issues such as: the amount of rainfall that has fallen, the temperature of the basin, the relief of the area in question, the geology, the vegetation and the influence of human activity in the region.

And finally another concept closely linked to the word fluvial and therefore to the theme of rivers is that of River transport, since in this way one of the oldest forms of transfer of passengers, cargo, among other issues, was used already in the Neolithic and that basically consists of carrying out the transfer through the use of the waters of a river and with a boat as a means to that end.

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