
definition of clover

A clover is a herb that shows a small size and whose leaves are distinguished by being divided into three lobesMeanwhile, it is precisely this particular characteristic that has determined its name. It should be noted that it is a legume plant that produces white or purple flowers and has grown fabulously in temperate climates of the northern hemisphere.

On the other hand, the clover, is a fodder plant which is precisely used as fodder, as food for livestock.

One of the peculiarities associated with this herb is that to a lesser extent it is also possible to find clovers that are made up of four leaves. Then, since these are less frequent to find, they are considered as omens of good luck when we come across one.

The four-leaf clover is a rare variant of the clover. According to legend, whoever finds the four-leaf clover you will have a share of luck in what you undertake. Meanwhile, each leaf of a clover represents a question linked to the achievement of happiness: hope, faith, love and luck.

It is also possible for a clover to have more than four leaves. According to the calculations made in this regard, there are ten thousand three-leaf clovers for each four-leaf clover, for this reason they are considered rare and fortunate when the person accidentally finds them.

There is no absolute coincidence regarding the cause of this peculiarity in the leaves of clovers. Some speak of genetic causes and others of environmental reasons. Probably a recessive gene that appears with a very low possibility is the cause of its generation, or some error generated by the environment during its development.

On the other hand, to instances of the French deck, the clover is one of the four suits into which it is divided, which also includes: spades, hearts and diamonds.

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