
definition of rhomboid

In the field of geometry a rhomboid it is a parallelogram (special type of quadrilateral, whose sides are parallel two by two) whose contiguous sides are unequal and two of its angles are greater than the other two; that is, a rhomboid, it is neither a rhombus nor a rectangle.

It should be noted that the diamond It is a parallelogram quadrilateral whose four sides that compose it have equal length, while the opposite interior angles are equal, the diagonals perpendicular to each other and each one of them divides the other into equal parts; and the rectangle is a parallelogram whose four sides are at right angles to each other. Its perimeter is equal to the sum of all its sides and the area is equal to the product of two of its contiguous sides.

Generally it is called a parallelogram directly or we can also find it as a non-rectangular parallelogram.

Among the most salient characteristics of the rhomboid we find the following: it has two pairs of equal sides, parallel to each other, the opposite angles are equal, the contiguous angles are supplementary, that is, the sum of the two gives us 180 °, as It is not a rhombus, as we said above, its diagonals are not perpendicular to each other and as it is not a rectangle either, its diagonals are not equal and if its internal angles are added, the figure it gives us is 360 ° .

On the other hand, its perimeter is equal to 2 and the area will be obtained after multiplying the length of one side by the perpendicular distance between that side and its opposite, that is, the height.

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