
definition of subliminal message

The human mind has two levels of knowledge. One is conscious and rational. The other is unconscious and irrational. The rational part is used to carry out operations, communicate and organize any activity. The unconscious part is more difficult to understand, it is expressed when we are dreaming, in involuntary mistakes when we speak, jokes, etc. The unconscious is hidden, it does not manifest itself at first sight. Sigmund Freud was one of the thinkers who dealt with the unconscious.

Subliminal messages are related to the unconscious mind. A subliminal message is that information that our mind perceives but without realizing it. The subliminal message is hidden in the information, so the prefix sub is used, which means below.

In advertising, subliminal messages are used so that consumers receive information that is disguised in the conventional message. Many advertisements incorporate these techniques so that the consumer has the impulse to buy a product because they have received information in a hidden way, but totally intentional.

There is a communication trick in the advertisement with a subliminal message. Let's take an example. In an urban environment film, a commercial chocolate brand wants to advertise and it is agreed that a few messages of the chocolate appear throughout the film. Advertising has to be disguised and therefore the image of chocolate is camouflaged in the scenes. Apparently the chocolate does not appear. However, it is almost imperceptibly hidden. The viewer is not aware of the advertising message, but will probably want to eat that brand of chocolate when the film ends.

Advertising is not the only field where this type of information is used. Communication experts also use them in election campaigns. In them appear tiny messages that apparently have no meaning. They can be anywhere - in the shape of a logo, a small gesture on a poster or any small detail - the purpose is for the subliminal message to reach the mind of the potential voter and have unconscious reasons for deciding on an option.

Researchers studying and analyzing the human mind are trying to understand the mechanisms of subliminal messages. Its importance can be very useful and with various applications: in marketing, politics, communication, etc.

Recently applications are appearing that detect these messages. This means that the consumer wants to know what is behind a simple advertisement.

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