
definition of preservation

Preservation means that someone or something is kept protected to avoid any trouble or damage. This idea is applicable to all kinds of contexts and situations: personal, cultural, artistic or related to nature.

It is worth delving into the meaning of the term preservation. As usual, etymology provides valuable information, distinguishing an obvious concept when analyzing the term stating that: there is an element that is threatened by a danger or problem. The threatening problem is controllable and it is possible to take action in advance and this is where the prefix pre makes sense in a sense of anticipating the problem so that it does not occur.

In a cultural sense, each country has a heritage: works of art, historical buildings, relevant documents, etc. All of them deteriorate over time and it is necessary to care for and protect them so that they remain part of the common heritage, as elements of the history of a nation. It is necessary to try to maintain and take care of them, so actions are taken to maintain them. And the actions that are activated are of preservation.

Something similar happens with the environment. In this case, it is a common good that is not typical of a people but belongs to the globality of the planet. For this reason, actions are also carried out to protect ecosystems, since they have risks that threaten their proper balance: pollution, uncontrolled waste or the greenhouse effect, among others.

There is even an object specialized in preventing. We refer to the condom (popularly called a condom). Thanks to the condom, unwanted pregnancies are avoided and families can plan the number of children they want to have, thus avoiding a problem in the family structure. There are religious options that oppose the use of a condom, although it is generally considered to be very useful for birth control.

Preservation is a term that incorporates controversy in most contexts in which it is used. There are usually groups in favor of defending something and others who understand that it is better not to do so. It is a conflict of economic interest, since those who want preservation believe that it is worth taking care of the element subject to danger and the opponents speak out against it because there is a high economic cost or damage in the objective of preservation.

The conflictive element that is linked to preservation confronts diverse groups: environmentalists against economic power, cultural entities against urban interests ... The controversy between one and the other has valid arguments on each side and the ordinary citizen values ​​the advantages and disadvantages and you have the possibility to participate in the debate.

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